Welcome to UV

January 3, 2020


Welcome to the first, of which I hope to be many Underverse chats, where I’ll speak on things coming up and things from the past (3A and other ventures when applicable)!

I would like to announce UNDERVERSE! I know it’s already out there, but it seems fitting to say here, my new Home for Toys, and much more! But I’ll focus on the toys for this entry!

So, UV will be making and releasing all my toys from now on, and when I say toys, I mean 1/6th, 1/12th, Vinyl, poseable figures, resin statues and everything in-between. I have many paths I want to take and really hope you all will join me. 

I’ll be bringing back all my IP such as WWR, Adventure Kartel, Popbot with the Tomorrow Kings and so on, but also new worlds and lines.

I’ll be doing what I have done for nearly 30 years – designing them, painting art, drawing decals, being directly involved on the front line, this isn’t a phoned-in job just slapping my name on stuff. I’m very lucky to have been joined for this battle  by my friends from 3A; Siuyin, Gregory Prout, and Jacky Chu are all here at my side covering my ass 🙂 On the flip side I’m joined by new friends at UV, who bring unique and wonderful talents to the stable, you will meet them all soon!

Today I’m working on two WWR2 1/6th figures, Neu Square2 and the Nomad Nom, and some TK comics. Oh yea, and the first Dinner Guest – Gentleman V…. You guys will see all this very soon.

I’ll see you guys soon

– Ashley Wood

Swimming around in the Underverse



在这里,我宣布 —  UNDERVERSE诞生了!虽然品牌已经有所露出,但在这里正式公布似乎是最适当的方式。这是我的新家。我会在这里创造玩具和更多的作品!但这里的重心还是——玩具!



这些玩具作品是我全心投入了近30年的成果。亲自做设计,绘制贴纸标签,直接参与到生产线。这些事情不是靠电话沟通就能完成的,这些心血也不是只打上了我的名字的商品。而我深感荣幸的是,在这场战斗中,有来自前3A的朋友们跟我一起并肩作战,他们是Siuyin, Gregory Prout和Jacky Chu。这些同伴都在身边一直支持我:)同时,也有新的朋友加入了UV。他们的到来为UV增添了更多精彩。你们很快就会见到他们的!

此时此刻,我正忙于两个1/6的 WWR2 人偶,Neu Square2和Nomad Nom,还有一些TK的漫画。

哦对了,还有我们第一位盛宴的客人- V先生… 这所有的一切都将很快面世。


Ashley Wood